Guide for Authors

The journal of petroleum research has been published a lot of scientific and research papers in the fields related to petroleum, gas and Petro chemistry. We ask all researchers to pay attention to the following tips:

Please send your papers via this following E-mail:

Please send your papers via this following website:

The responsibility of the references and texts which have been used in the paper is related to the authors.

The name of the student advisor must be as the corresponding author.

Also, the affidavit form of the papers must be assigned by all authors of the paper.

The papers which have been sent cannot be returned.

Also, Persian script must be considered.

The paper must be written or typed in A4, line spacing must be 1.2 cm in Microsoft Word (version 2016). Left and right margins must be 2.5 cm. above margin must be 2.5 cm and below margin must be 1.27 cm. The pages of the paper must be 13.

  • The paper must be included the following parts:
  • Subject: it must be short and clear.
  • The name of authors must be mentioned after the subject; the name of corresponding author must be determined using “*".
  • The address and affiliations of authors and the E-mail of the corresponding author is necessary.
  • Abstract: the words of abstract must be 100 to 300 words.
  • Keywords: the number of keywords must be 3 to 6 words.
  • Introduction: it includes the aim, the importance, the result, the observation of research and the previous research with mentioning the name of references.
  • Methodology: it includes the experimental methods, materials and equipment.
  • Results and discussions: you must mention the result of the research, graphs, tables and images an all comparisons.
  • Results: The summery of findings of the research must be mentioned.
  • Acknowledgment: if you think it is necessary, please thank the organizations. 
  • Nomenclature: it must be mentioned based on alphabetical orders.
  • References: it must be mentioned based on alphabetical orders.
  • The subject which has been written in Persian must be the same as English.
  • The subject of the paper must be written in BZar pen, number 24.
  • The main subjects (heads) in the paper must be written in BNazanin pen, number 14. Subheadings must be written in BNazanin pen, number 12.
  • The Persian text of the paper must be written in BLotus pen, number 12.
  • The description of the papers and tables must be written in BLotus pen, number 11, bold.
  • The description of the papers and tables (in English Language) must be written in Times New Roman, number 11, bold.
  • All numbers must be written in Persian. All units must be written in SI.
  • All formula must be numbered and written in Math Type Software.
  • Definition of horizontal and vertical axes must be mentioned.


The presentation of all references must be done based on (or the same as) the following pattern (or examples):

Persian and English reports and books

Family (last name) and the first name of each of the authors, the name of the book, edition version of the book, publisher, and the year of publication.

For example:

[1]. Barrow G. M., “Physical chemistry,” 4th ed., McGraw-Hill Inc., 1984.

Persian paper:

The last name (or family), the first letter of name (or first name) of each of the authors, “the subject of the paper,” the name of Journal, the volume of journal, the number of pages and year.

For example:

[2] صفایی م.، قاسمی م. ر.، میرحبیبی ع.، “ساخت و بررسی ریز ساختاری پایه‌های کاتالیستی کلسیم آلومینات”، نشریه شیمی و مهندسی شیمی ایران، دوره 24، شماره 2، صفحات 18 - 9، 1384.

English paper:

 The family (or last name) of each of the authors, the subject of the paper, the abbreviation of Journal, the volume of journal (or journal number), the number of pages, and the year of publication.

For example:

[3]WangL.,SundenB.,“Optimaldesignofplateheatexchangerswithandwithoutpressuredropspecifications”, AppliedThermalEng., Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 295-311, 2003.

All conferences’ papers:

The family (or last name) and the first letter of each of the authors, “the subject of the paper,” the subject of the conference, the location where the conference was held, the number of pages, year.

For example:

 The paper which has been obtained from the books:

 Family (or the last name), and the first letter of the name of each of the authors and/or editors, the subject of the paper, the subject of the book, publisher, the number of pages, the year of publication.

 [5] Lee D. H., Kim H. I., and Kim S. S., “Surface modification of polymeric membranes by UV grafting,” in: Pinnau I., Freeman B. D. (Eds.), Advanced materials for membrane separations, American Chemical Society, pp. 281-299, 2004.


Theses and dissertations: Family (or the last name), and the first letter of the name of the author, the type or kind of the theses or dissertations, “the subject of the thesis,” the kind of thesis, University, Country, Year.

For example:

Patent: Family (or the last name), and the first letter of the name of each of the inventors, “the subject of the patent,” the kind of and the number of patent, year.

For example:

[7] BakerF.S., “Highly microporous carbon,”U.S. Patent: 5710092, 1998.

Internet resources: Family (or the last name), and the first letter of the name of each of the authors, “subject,” website address, date.

For example:

[8]. Arps J., Lanning B., and Dearnaley G., “Maximizing a potentially significant energy source,”, 20.1.2007.