Keyword Index


  • ABS Study on Physical, Mechanical and Flammability of ABS/PVC Blends [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 52-61]
  • Adsorption Process Evaluation of Granular Activated Carbon Performance on MTBE Removal from Polluted Well Water by both RSSCT and Pilot Plant Methods [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 71-77]
  • Alkylimidazoline Investigation of Minerals Wettability Alteration in Invert-Emulsion Drilling Fluid by Surfactants [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 64-70]
  • Anti-Corrosion Pigment Investigation of Preventive Performance of Third Generation Phosphate Based Anti-corrosion Pigments by Use of Electrochemical Experiments [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 10-16]


  • Bioremediation Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with n-Hexadecane in Slurry Phase and Investigation of Effective Parameters [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 3-10]
  • Blend Study on Physical, Mechanical and Flammability of ABS/PVC Blends [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 52-61]
  • Blending Up–grading of an Iranian Refinery Scheme by LP Modeling [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 62-71]
  • Block to Block Effect Reimbibtions Process between Matrixes of Gravity Drainage in Gas Invaded Zone [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 30-43]
  • Breakthrough Point Evaluation of Granular Activated Carbon Performance on MTBE Removal from Polluted Well Water by both RSSCT and Pilot Plant Methods [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 71-77]


  • Calorimetry Application of Nonlinear Observers in Emulsion Polymerization Process [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 44-51]
  • CFD Non_Newtonian Fluid Flow Analysis Using CFD in Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 47-54]
  • Clean Fuel Up–grading of an Iranian Refinery Scheme by LP Modeling [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 62-71]
  • Coating Investigation of Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Nickel Composite Coating Using SiC Nano-Particles [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 25-29]
  • Cobalt Effects of Ru and Re Promoters on Performance, Deactivation and Activity Recovery of Co/Al2O3 Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Catalysts [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 37-46]
  • Contaminated Soil Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with n-Hexadecane in Slurry Phase and Investigation of Effective Parameters [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 3-10]
  • Corrosion Investigation of Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Nickel Composite Coating Using SiC Nano-Particles [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 25-29]


  • Deactivation Effects of Ru and Re Promoters on Performance, Deactivation and Activity Recovery of Co/Al2O3 Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Catalysts [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 37-46]
  • Drilling Fluid Investigation of Minerals Wettability Alteration in Invert-Emulsion Drilling Fluid by Surfactants [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 64-70]
  • Dry Reforming Stable Catalyst for Dry Reforming Process [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 11-23]
  • Dry Reforming Stable Catalyst for Dry Reforming Process [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 55-63]


  • Electrical Conduction Observer Design for Estimation of Particle Size Distribution in Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 3-10]
  • Electrochemical Impedance Investigation of Preventive Performance of Third Generation Phosphate Based Anti-corrosion Pigments by Use of Electrochemical Experiments [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 10-16]
  • Electroless Investigation of Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Nickel Composite Coating Using SiC Nano-Particles [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 25-29]


  • Fischer-Tropsch Effects of Ru and Re Promoters on Performance, Deactivation and Activity Recovery of Co/Al2O3 Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Catalysts [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 37-46]
  • Flame Retardancy Study on Physical, Mechanical and Flammability of ABS/PVC Blends [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 52-61]
  • Friction factor Non_Newtonian Fluid Flow Analysis Using CFD in Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 47-54]


  • Gas Injection Reimbibtions Process between Matrixes of Gravity Drainage in Gas Invaded Zone [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 30-43]
  • Granulated Activated Carbon Evaluation of Granular Activated Carbon Performance on MTBE Removal from Polluted Well Water by both RSSCT and Pilot Plant Methods [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 71-77]
  • Gravity Drainage Reimbibtions Process between Matrixes of Gravity Drainage in Gas Invaded Zone [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 30-43]


  • Invert-Emulsion Investigation of Minerals Wettability Alteration in Invert-Emulsion Drilling Fluid by Surfactants [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 64-70]
  • Ionic Liquids Investigation of Reaction Conditions in the Synthesis of Imidazolium, Pyridinium and Pyrrolidinium Based Ionic Liquids [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 24-36]


  • Kaolin Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with n-Hexadecane in Slurry Phase and Investigation of Effective Parameters [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 3-10]


  • Linear Polarization Investigation of Preventive Performance of Third Generation Phosphate Based Anti-corrosion Pigments by Use of Electrochemical Experiments [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 10-16]
  • Linear Programming Up–grading of an Iranian Refinery Scheme by LP Modeling [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 62-71]


  • Mechanical Property Study on Physical, Mechanical and Flammability of ABS/PVC Blends [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 52-61]


  • N-Alkyl Pyridinium Chloride Investigation of Reaction Conditions in the Synthesis of Imidazolium, Pyridinium and Pyrrolidinium Based Ionic Liquids [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 24-36]
  • Nano-particles Investigation of Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Nickel Composite Coating Using SiC Nano-Particles [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 25-29]
  • N-Hexadecane Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with n-Hexadecane in Slurry Phase and Investigation of Effective Parameters [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 3-10]
  • Nickel Catalyst Stable Catalyst for Dry Reforming Process [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 11-23]
  • Nickel Catalyst Stable Catalyst for Dry Reforming Process [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 55-63]
  • NiP-SiC Investigation of Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Nickel Composite Coating Using SiC Nano-Particles [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 25-29]
  • N- Methyl-N-Alkyl Pyrrolidinium Chloride Investigation of Reaction Conditions in the Synthesis of Imidazolium, Pyridinium and Pyrrolidinium Based Ionic Liquids [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 24-36]
  • Nonlinear Observer Application of Nonlinear Observers in Emulsion Polymerization Process [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 44-51]


  • Observer Observer Design for Estimation of Particle Size Distribution in Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 3-10]
  • Optimization Up–grading of an Iranian Refinery Scheme by LP Modeling [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 62-71]


  • Particle Size Distribution Observer Design for Estimation of Particle Size Distribution in Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 3-10]
  • Performance Effects of Ru and Re Promoters on Performance, Deactivation and Activity Recovery of Co/Al2O3 Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Catalysts [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 37-46]
  • Petroleum Refinery Up–grading of an Iranian Refinery Scheme by LP Modeling [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 62-71]
  • Petrophysical Properties Determination of Formation Grain Size Distribution in an Iranian Sandstone Field [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 17-24]
  • Phospholipid Investigation of Minerals Wettability Alteration in Invert-Emulsion Drilling Fluid by Surfactants [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 64-70]
  • Pilot Study Evaluation of Granular Activated Carbon Performance on MTBE Removal from Polluted Well Water by both RSSCT and Pilot Plant Methods [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 71-77]
  • Plate Heat Exchangers Non_Newtonian Fluid Flow Analysis Using CFD in Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 47-54]
  • Polymerization Emulsion Observer Design for Estimation of Particle Size Distribution in Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 3-10]
  • Polyphosphate Investigation of Preventive Performance of Third Generation Phosphate Based Anti-corrosion Pigments by Use of Electrochemical Experiments [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 10-16]
  • Power-Law Fluid Non_Newtonian Fluid Flow Analysis Using CFD in Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 47-54]
  • PVC Study on Physical, Mechanical and Flammability of ABS/PVC Blends [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 52-61]


  • Reimbibition Reimbibtions Process between Matrixes of Gravity Drainage in Gas Invaded Zone [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 30-43]
  • Rhenium Effects of Ru and Re Promoters on Performance, Deactivation and Activity Recovery of Co/Al2O3 Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Catalysts [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 37-46]
  • Ruthenium Effects of Ru and Re Promoters on Performance, Deactivation and Activity Recovery of Co/Al2O3 Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Catalysts [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 37-46]


  • Simulation Observer Design for Estimation of Particle Size Distribution in Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene [Volume 18, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 3-10]
  • Synthesis Investigation of Reaction Conditions in the Synthesis of Imidazolium, Pyridinium and Pyrrolidinium Based Ionic Liquids [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 24-36]
  • Synthesis Gas Stable Catalyst for Dry Reforming Process [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 11-23]
  • Synthesis Gas Stable Catalyst for Dry Reforming Process [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 55-63]


  • Wettability Investigation of Minerals Wettability Alteration in Invert-Emulsion Drilling Fluid by Surfactants [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 64-70]


  • Zirconium Oxide Stable Catalyst for Dry Reforming Process [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 11-23]
  • Zirconium Oxide Stable Catalyst for Dry Reforming Process [Volume 18, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 55-63]