Geochemical Characteristic Study of Ilam and Sarvak Hydrocarbons in Marun and Kupal Oilfields

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI)

2 Geology Group, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University


Marun and Kupal oilfields situated in Southeast of Ahwaz next to Aghajari and Ahwaz oilfields are two of the largest oilfields in the Dezful Embayment. Ilam and Sarvak formations are reservoirs of these oilfields. The geochemical investigations included techniques such as asphalthene precipitation, oil fractionation, gas chromatography of saturated fraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Geochemical properties of oils in Sarvak reservoir in both oilfields indicate a paraffinic nature, whereas geochemical properties of oil in Ilam reservoir of Marun oilfield show a paraffinic-naphthenic characteristic. Yet, geochemical properties of oil in Ilam reservoir of Kupal oilfield show an aromatic characteristic. Biomarker study reveals that accumulated oils in Marun and Kupal oilfields originated from marine organic matter with minor terrestrial input deposited in anoxic and suboxic conditions. Based on maturity and source rock lithology parameters of biomarkers, the candidate source rock(s) are carbonates containing type II and a mixture of type II and III kerogen and are thermally mature.


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