History Matching of a Fractured Carbonate Reservoir Using Water-Oil Rising Interface Data and Selecting the Best Production Method

Document Type : Research Paper


History matching is considered as one of the most important simulations in reservoir description. In other words, reservoir simulation results are not reliable without history matching due to uncertainties of the input data. However, in some cases there may not be enough data for history matching and few tricks may be required Studied field is an abandoned oil field that has no water and gas production history. After reviewing the history of the field in this study, it was revealed that a blow out had occurred in a well for three months which was due to BOP (Blow Out Preventer) problem and water-oil surface had risen in this well. As the result, a history of water-oil interface movement exists which can be used in history matching. W-C movement was successfully simulated in this well and the results showed good agreement with experimental results. After history matching, various techniques including drilling infill (vertical and horizontal), water and gas injection were applied and results were then compared. It was revealed that horizontal drilling causes water breakthrough and low recovery values. Also the same results were observed for water injection method. The gas injection was selected as the optimum method in which 20 MMSCF/D gas was injected into the two wells (10 MMSCF/D for each) and consequently an overall increase of 18 MMSTB was reached in oil production from these two wells in 10 years. Gas injected wells are rarely of any importance due to high water cut problem and investment on drilling of new gas injected wells is not suggested.


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