Thermodynamic Modeling of Hydrogen Sulfide Hydrate Formation in the Presence of Inhibitors

Document Type : Research Paper


Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Tehran, Iran


The hydrate formation of hydrogen sulfide in the presence of thermodynamic inhibitors has been modeled in this study. A thermodynamic model has been employed for predicting the hydrate formation of the following systems: H2S + Water + Salts (NaCl, KCl, and CaCl2), H2S + Water + Alcohols (methanol and ethanol), and H2S + Water + ethylene glycol. The extended-UNIQUAC (E- UNIQUAC) model has been used for predicting the activity coefficient of water in the liquid phase. The structural parameters of E-UNIQUAC model have been extracted from literature but the interaction parameters of this model have been obtained by fitting the model with the experimental data. The results of the developed model show good agreement with the experimental data and the absolute average deviation of the model from experimental data is 3.82%.


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