Introducing 17 Burial and Non-burial Domes Based on Seismic Data in Hormuz Strait (Block E)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Natural Science, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 Pars Petro Zagros Company, Tehran, Iran

3 Iranian Offshore Oil Company, Tehran, Iran


Geological studies and mapping of surface and sub-surface structures have always attracted the attention of geologists. The main purpose of this study is the identification of salt domes in strait of Hormuz using subsurface data. The study area is located in the south of Iran, which is known as Block E for oil companies at longitude of 55-56° east and latitude of 25°30’-27° north. Seismic data, well data, and UGCtime map are used for three-dimensional modeling of the subsurface salt structures by Petrel software. In this work, the locations of 17 burial and non-burial domes in the Hormuz strait are mapped and the coordinates of the center of each dome with burial depths are written. Most of these diapirs concentrated on the western part of the strait of Hormuz and is likely that the thickness of Hormuz formation in the western part is higher than the central and eastern parts. Finally, eight domes were added to the dispersion salt domes map in Iran. The distance between each of the domes is estimated to be about 35 kilometers in marine sector and it was found that the salt diapirs in the southern Iran matched NE-SW direction or Hendurabi lineament.


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