In-Situ Stress Estimation Techniques for Wellbore Stability Analysis Under Transverse Isotropic Condition

Document Type : Research Paper


Mining and Metallurgy Faculty, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


In situ stresses are considered as pivotal factors in rock sciences in addition to petroleum engineering issues including wellbore stability and hydraulic fracturing. In situ stresses are mainly estimated by costly and time consuming methodologies directly. Moreover, the outcomes of these approaches are limited to a certain depth of the well. Therefore, these methods cannot be generalized. In the present study, a model based on the shear moduli and Poro-elastic parameters in an environment under transverse isotropic conditions has been employed whereby the results further discussed. Elastic parameters, strength, and in situ stress according to the hypotheses underlying the both models were calculated for a well in the west of Iran. Shear moduli-based method is proposed to predict the maximum horizontal stress. Here, acoustoelastic parameter was set to 0.52. Of course, C66/C44< 2 is not much acceptable. However, the stresses were calibrated using the cores. Although this method enabled to predict the revers faulting regime correctly, however regarding the model, stress has been underscored and the outputs are not consistent with the calliper log. Subsequently, Poro-elastic based mechanical model in accordance with caliper log estimated a more reliable in situ stress under transverse isotropic conditions. Furthermore, break-out and break-down have been properly determined that could be due to the shale layers within the formation.


Main Subjects

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