Determination of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Content and Investigating Oil Generation of Pabdeh Formation in Ahwaz and Marun Oil Fields Applying ΔlogR Method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Geology Department, National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC), Ahvaz

2 Petroleum University of Technology


Well logging tools are one of the most useful methods for formation evaluation in a sedimentary basin. Therefore, well log data could be used as an indicator for determination of source rock potential. Characterizations of Kazhdomi, Pabdeh and Gurpi source rocks have been determined by geochemical analyses in some of Iranian oil fields, but no TOC zonation and interpretation have been carried out in these formations yet. The aim of this study is to estimate the TOC content by means of combination of sonic and resistivity logs (ΔlogR method), which were run in Pabdeh and neural network method and then compare with TOC results from geochemical analysis (Rock-Eval VI) in Ahwaz and Marun oil fields. Consequently, the results led to zonation of TOC in mentioned oil fields. Also, the intervals which Pabdeh formation has reached to oil generation window were determined with respect to TOC rich zone thickness changes and geothermal gradient of wells.


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