Tectono-sedimentary Evolution of the Maastrichtian Deposits in Western Part of Fars Area in a High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Framework

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Hormozgan University, Bandar Abbas, Iran

2 Exploration Directorate, National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), Tehran, Iran

3 Exploration Directorate, National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), Tehran, Iran .


In this investigation, the Maastrichtian deposits in the west of Fars area, have been studied along a NE-SW trending transect perpendicular to the Zagros. The Maastrichtian deposits in Fars area show a shallowing-up trend from pelagic marls and turbiditic facies of the Gurpi/Amiran Formations, outer-mid platform carbonates of the Tarbur Formation and restricted inner platform dolomitic/evaporitic limestones and marls of the lower Sachun Formation. On this basis, 12 facies types have been determined in 6 facies belts from basin to barrier, open and restricted lagoon and tidal flat in a carbonate rimmed shelf setting. These sedimentary facies and environments are organized in five 4th order depositional sequences. The sequence architecture shows a migrating foreland basin with a wedge-shaped geometry along the transect. The foreland basin is characterized by wedge shaped geometry and the subsiding and shallowing up depositional sequences with progradational patterns from the platform carbonate over the pelagic basinal facies.


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