Comparison of Different Types of Permeability Estimation Models Based on Pore-Throats Diameter in Dalan and Kangan Formations, the Central Persian Gulf

Document Type : Research Paper


School of Geology, College of Science, University of Tehran, Iran


Fluid permeability is one of the most important parameters in reservoir characterization. In this study, permeability calculated from different models and compared with the laboratory measured permeability in a hydrocarbon field in the central part of the Persian Gulf. The permeability models used in this study include Winland, Swanson, Pittman, and Dastidar. In this analysis, 50 mercury injection experiments from Dalan and Kangan formations were used. Conclusions indicate that Swanson and Winland permeability models are the best reservoir permeability prediction models for the Kangan and Dalan carbonate formations, respectively. Swanson’s model unlike other models considers the effects of pore throats in mercury injection curve as the main factor, which it has a key role in permeability prediction. In carbonate environments, there is not specific relation between porosity and permeability. Therefore, models that considered porosity as a factor for permeability prediction show less accuracy. The reservoir’s lithology (carbonate or clastic), because of the different facies and lithology, have various petrophysical features. In this manner, the models that have been calibrated based on carbonates lead to a better prediction in the carbonates in comparison with models which calibrated based on clastic or both.


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