Oil Production Enhancement of Azadegan Oil Field Using Real-Time Optimization Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


Institute of Petroleum Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Because of increasing demand for oil and gas, it is necessary to properly manage the production in oil fields which can be performed through optimization. Azadegan Oil Field has a large volume of oil reserves shared with Iraq and requires special attention. The main goal of this paper is to introduce and develop mathematical modeling for Azadegan oil field to optimize the oil production using Real-Time Production Optimization (RTPO). Therefore, 13 wells were considered in Manifold No. 7 of Azadegan Oil Field. Due to the nonlinearity nature of oil production and pressure drop equations in production facilities, Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) was examined to convert nonlinear equations to the linear ones. By solving the equations simultaneously, optimum wellhead pressures were obtained to achieve maximum oil production. The results showed a 27.7% increase in oil production.


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