Investigation of some porosity estimation methods using seismic data in one of the south iranian oil fields

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran


Porosity is one of the important parameters in reserve estimation and development of a hydrocarbon reservoir. This petrophysical parameter is traditionally calculated from core and log data. The use of seismic data to estimate petrophysical parameters between wells has been of particular interest in oil and gas industry. In this study, seismic inversion was performed using two methods including model based and sparse spike using a combination of well data and post stack seismic data in an Iranian oil fields. The correlation and error of the sparse spike inversion method were 98 and 19%, respectively. However, the correlation and error of the model-based inversion were 88 and 47%, respectively. In the next step, porosity estimation was performed using three methods, including seismic multiple-attribute, probabilistic neural network and radial basic function neural network. The probabilistic neural network method provided 91% correlation between training data and 71% correlation between validation data that was a better answer than the other two methods. Therefore, it is suggested to use this method to estimate the porosity of seismic data in fields with similar geology.


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