The Role of Mineralogy and Clastic Components on Diagenesis and Its Effect on the Evolution of the Pore System and Controlling the Reservoir Quality in Tight Sandstones of Moghan Basin

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Earth Science Department, Faculty of Natural Science, University of Tabriz, Iran

2 Petroleum Geology Department, Research and Development in Upstream Petroleum Industry, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), Tehran, Iran

3 National Iran Oil Company Exploration Directorate, Tehran, Iran


The siliciclastic formations of Ojagheshlaq and Zeivar, as the reservoir rock of Moghan basin are of special importance. The sandstone facies of these formations are a unique example of unconventional reservoirs (tight sandstones) in Iran, which due to the textural and diagenetic characteristics affecting their pore system, have unstable production with pressure drop. In this study, the lithological and sedimentary characteristics of these formations were investigated by combining the results of core description, petrographic studies, scanning electron microscope images along with porosity and permeability data of the core obtained from outcrops and wells. The results show that the low mineralogical maturity of these sandstones, which mainly contain volcanic lithics and feldspar, has played an important role on modification and evolution of the pore system during their diagenetic history. In fact, the presence of volcanic lithics as compressible components is an effective factor in reducing the porosity of these sandstones during burial and compaction. Also, the alteration of these components along with feldspars has led to the formation of various diagenetic clays that have acted as cement inside the pores and have played an important role in developing micropores within the pore system. The dissolution process has also led to the development of isolated dissolution pores with limited expansion. In general, the interaction of three factors of compaction, diagenetic clays and dissolution in contrast to mineralogy, has played an effective role in the development of pore system and reservoir quality of Moghan basin sandstones, as a result of which tight sandstones with a compacted texture and pore system with a poor connection consisting of isolated dissolution pore types and micropores have been developed.


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