Selective Removal of Olefinic and Sulfuric Compounds from Hydrocarbon Cuts in Refinery

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Arak University, Iran

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Arak University, Iran


In this research, the gasoline produced by the refinery viscosity reduction unit has been investigated. The gasoline in this unit contains large amounts of sulfur compounds. The presence of sulfur and di-olefin compounds in this unit›s gasoline due to its high reactivity causes the production of a large amount of gum that will cause many adverse effects. In this research, a method based on alkylation is investigated; Initially, AlCl3 solid catalyst was made based on silica gel, and the effect of various parameters such as catalyst manufacturing method, catalyst mixing temperature with gasoline sample, temperature effects of catalyst bonding, catalyst mass ratio and catalyst active component on the removal of sulfur compounds were investigated. The results showed that the amount of total sulfur in the prototype decreased by 53.27%.


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