Application of Enhanced Multiscale Multiphysic Geomechanically Model on Oil Production Rate

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Engineering, Department of Rock Mechanics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Fluid flow simulation and solid phase deformations in porous media are important steps in management and development of oil production of reservoirs. Since fluid simulation in all scales has severe computational cost, multiscale models have been developed recently. Moreover, the role of solid phase deformation in fluid flow and in oil production could not be neglected. In this research, the new mixed multiscale-multiphysics model has been developed. .the new model of mixed multiscale Multiphysics has been developed.  In the present model, not only could the role of elastic deformation in the fluid flow be considered, but also, plastic deformation affecting in the oil production rate could be regarded. The development of the base geotechnical model is performed with respect to the yield surface criterion and none associated flow role theory with the aid of implicit integrating and return mapping. The results were compared with other numerical method and also experimental results and reasonable agreement were achieved. Moreover, the computational efficiency of the present model is proved through the precise analytical calculation. The results confirm that the new model could simulate an oil production rate in an appropriate manner with the high computational efficiency.


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