Intelligentization of Rotary Steerable System (RSS) to Improve Tracking of Directional Drilling Planned Trajectory Using Robust

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Petroleum Engineering, AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


One of the challenges of directional drilling is guiding the bit in the appropriate direction so that it follows the planned path with minimal error. Improving the follow-up of the designed trajectory is especially important when the drilled layer is thin and if the drilling accuracy is low, it causes some problems in the well. In such cases, using smart tools, such as rotary steerable system (RSS) technology, is inevitable. In this paper, the Perneder-Detournay’s analytical method, which models the directional drilling system as a nonlinear delayed system with uncertainty, is used. To date, no proof of stability based on Lyapunov function has been performed to make this system intelligent. The main innovation of the present paper is that it has been able to provide a new formulation for system equations so that it is possible to use the Lyapunov function of delayed systems to prove system stability. For this purpose, in addition to reducing the order of the system, the nonlinear terms of the system have also become indefinite and entered the system. With these two changes, the optimal Lyapunov function for robust control of a linearly delayed system with uncertainty is extracted and by converting the Lyapunov function to linear matrix inequality (LMI) and then solving the LMI using the Mosek solver, the directional drilling system has been made smart and simulated. Finally, the tracking problem for the directional drilling system is solved. At all stages, the force coming from the RSS side is within the operational range of the directional drilling. Comparison of simulation results with previous works shows the improvement of the performance of the proposed intelligence method.


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