CFD simulation of odorant distribution in gas pipe lines and optimization of operating conditions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Jahan Daneshgahi, Isfahan University of Technology

2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

3 Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd

4 Health, Safety, Environment and Passive Defense, Hormozgan Province Gas Company, Bandar Abbas, Iran

5 Safety Expert, Hormozgan Province Gas Company, Bandar Abbas, Iran

6 Isfahan University Of Technology, Dep. Of Chem. Eng.


In this study, the distribution of odorant in a natural gas pipeline network is studied using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques. The odorizer in question is of the injection type, and the odorant distribution is analyzed employing finite element techniques up to a distance of 1 kilometer from the injection point. The parameters governing the performance of the injection pump, including injection time, injection volume, and the number of pulses are studied. The modeling results reveal that the odorant concentration remains constant at approximately 200 meters from the pipeline's origin. Moreover, when the CGS gas station operates at a capacity of 7000 m3/hr, the odorant consumption surpasses the required amount. Even with a reduced injection volume from 200 mm3 to 100 mm3, the output concentration stays within standard limits. The results show that under lower loading conditions, the final odorant concentration reaches around 85 mg/m3, nearly four times the standard level, resulting in a pronounced odor in the area. For the specified CGS gas station, the optimal values for the pump's performance parameters during both day and night hours are determined. The optimal injection rate of odorant is 16 pulses per minute during the day and 8 pulses per minute at night.


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