Manufacturing and Application of Bulk Monolithic Catalyst as a Novel Catalyst for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 School of Chemical Engineering, University College of Engineering, University of Tehran

2 Department of Natural Gas Conversion, Gas Research Division, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI),


Catalytic gas-solid reactions are used widely using conventional packed bed reactors. Conventional packed bed reactors have some difficulties and disadvantages such as pressure drop, intra particle diffusion limitation, flow channeling and so on. Recently, to overcome these difficulties, research has led to the use of structured catalysts such as monolithic reactor instead of a random packed bed. Herein, using an iron based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalyst, a novel bulk monolithic catalyst is manufactured by extrusion and molding methods. The effect of various parameters on monolith quality and strength are experimentally evaluated. The molding method showed good results and the best conditions are found at 5% moisture; 20-25% binder, and 3500-5800 kg/cm2 pressure. Also, the performance of the catalyst in Fischer Tropsch synthesis is tested experimentally. The results show that this novel concept leads to superior advantages such as lower intra particle mass transfer limitation and pressure drop and more catalyst usage.


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