Prediction of the Onset Pressure of Asphaltene Precipitation During Pressure Reduction Process in the Presence of Carbon Dioxide by Using Theories of Artificial Intelligence

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology

2 Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, Islamic Azad University: Science and Research Branch


Although CO2 injection is one of the most common methods in enhanced oil recovery, it could alter the fluid properties of oil and cause some problems such as asphaltene precipitation, reduced permeability of formation, production reduction, etc. Asphaltene onset pressure is especially important for the optimization of the miscible CO2 injection. The purpose of this research is to predict the onset pressure of asphaltene precipitation during pressure reduction process in the presence of carbon dioxide by using theories of artificial intelligence. The developed models include a software simulator called “Intelligent Proxy Simulator (IPS)” which is based on structure artificial neural networks. To evaluate the prediction of artificial intelligence networks at the onset pressure of asphaltene precipitation, a thermodynamic solid model using Winprop (CMG) software was employed. The results obtained by using artificial intelligence models in the prediction of the onset pressure of asphaltene precipitation during pressure reduction process in the presence of carbon dioxide are more accurate than that of the thermodynamic solid model


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