Water Based Drilling Formulation Enhancement From Hydroxy to Amin Functional Groups to Reduce Formation Damage Caused by Mud Filtration in Carbonate Reservoirs

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Petroleum Department, Kish International Campus,University of Tehran, Iran

2 Institute of Petroleum Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering,College of Engineering,University of Tehran,Iran


Formation damage in the near-wellbore area has become one of the significant obstacles in the path of production from oil wells today. One neglected aspect of formation damage is the damage caused by the invasion of drilling fluid filtrates into the formation. Water-based drilling fluid, due to the presence of polymers and micrometer-sized compounds, causes changes in the electrostatic and flow properties of the rock surface upon invasion into the formation, resulting in various consequences such as reduced hydrocarbon fluid production, increased produced water cut, alteration in reservoir wettability, and changes in relative permeability of the reservoir rock. In this study, processed reservoir rock samples from southern Iran were obtained, and using real crude oil samples, reservoir environment and oil-rock contact were simulated in the laboratory environment using a core flooding apparatus. The drilling fluid sample, based on the commonly used formulation for oil and gas wells and approved by the Petroleum Industry Research Institute, was prepared and its filtrate was injected into the reservoir using a filter press device. The investigation conducted on clean core properties, core contaminated with crude oil, and core soaked with filtrate revealed that the commonly used drilling fluid filtrates cause alteration of the rock surface wettability from oil-wet to water-wet and significantly reduce the capillary force applied to hydrocarbon fluids and the relative permeability of the oil phase, leading to decreased oil production from reservoirs. However, a new formulation of drilling fluid replaced based on the presence of amine functional groups instead of hydroxyl groups showed improved wettability alteration upon filtrate injection into the reservoir. Additionally, the new drilling fluid sample will not negatively impact the hydrocarbon fluid flow within the pore and fracture networks, and the use of alternative materials will increase oil production from reservoirs.


Main Subjects

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