Interpretation of Changing Wellbore Storage During a Well Testing - A Case Study

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Petroleum Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Petroleum Engineering and Development Company, Tehran, Iran



This study investigates wellbore storage changes through well testing data before and after acidizing one of the wells in the southern region of Iran. The findings reveal that acidizing creates a highly permeable yet limited zone, transforming the wellbore storage behavior from constant to variable. The constant storage effect of 0.014 bbl/psi decreased to a final variable storage value of 0.0024 bbl/psi. The analysis includes pressure derivative plots and compares the well’s behavior before and after acidizing, providing physical interpretations based on the well’s modified conditions. The outcomes of this research offer valuable insights for optimizing well test data interpretation and selecting appropriate models for reservoir characterization. These results can also assist in designing future well operations to mitigate variable wellbore storage effects.


Main Subjects

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