An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Reservoir Oil Properties on Oil Recovery

Document Type : Research Paper


Reservoir Engineering Research Center, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI)


The efficiency of enhanced oil recovery projects, most notably water injection, is influenced by some factors such as the composition of water and oil, porosity, permeability, and the mineralogy of rock. Pore size, pore size distribution, and the water saturation are the other factors at play; but, the most important one is the composition of oil and water and the physical and chemical interaction between them during the production process. The study of this factor is of much importance. This research aims for conducting a review on the oil production of three carbonates of Asmari and Bangestan formations located in the south of Iran under the reservoir simulated conditions. The results show that the oil production depends on the composition of oil and water and their interaction. Apart from the value of asphaltene in oil, carboxylic organic acids in crude oil influence the production as well. The amount of injected water for the maximum oil production is also influenced by forces between water and oil surfaces, which are attractive and repulsive forces. The study and evaluation proves that oil important parameters, acid number and its four SARA fractions alongside interfacial tension between oil and brine are imperative to study the procedure of production. The results of most important carbonate wells as well as a review on the above mentioned factors can lead to a better prediction of production level in Iranian south oil fields. This prediction is based on water injection in enhanced oil production projects and the analysis of its results.


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