Synthesis and Evaluation of Ethoxylated Alkyl Sulfosuccinate as Oil Spill Dispersants in the Sea

Document Type : Research Paper



Sulfosuccinates are widely used by virtue of their excellent wetting, foaming, emulsifying, and dispersing properties; commercial availability; and their wide range of applications. One of the sulfosuccinate derivatives is the sodium salt of dioctyl sulfosuccinic acid, which is commonly used in oil spill dispersant formulations. In this research, an attempt was made to modify the properties of commercial dialkyl sulfosuccinate by the ethoxylation of monoester of maleic acid derivative. This leads to an increase in the solubility of sulfosuccinate in hard water as well as improving its wetting properties. An unsymmetrical intermediate was formed either by the addition of polyoxyethylene group having different molecular weights (via ethoxylation) or the reaction of the monoester with polyethylene glycol; the intermediate product was consequently converted to sulfosuccinate sodium salt by being reacted with sodium disulfite. Since the dispersant formulation is capable of transferring crude oil and oil pollution into an aqueous column within a specific HLB range depending on the crude oil, the formulation is modified in an appropriate range using an agent to control HLB (rather than using pure sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate). Furthermore, the agent has to possess biological degradability and non-toxicity. In the current work, the performance of a dispersant package having a high quantity of ethoxylated sodium sulfosuccinate (67%) was compared with that of a commercial sodium sulfosuccinate (33%). It was concluded that the ethoxylated sulfosuccinate had the potential to function properly in a dispersant formulation to disperse oil spills.


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