Separating Different Zones of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs by Using Electrofacies

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Reservoir Studies& Fields Development, Research Institute of Petroleum (RIPI)


Electrofacies is a deterministic or analytical way to practice the partitioning of well log data, which show a variation of geologic or reservoir characteristics. In this paper, we used three cored wells located in one of the oil fields in the south of Iran. Based on the core data (porosity-permeability), the three reservoir zones were identified to have different characteristics. Based on common well logs in all wells (Rhob, Nphi, Dt, and Rt) and MRGC method, an initial electrofacies model with 7 facies was developed. By comparing the results with the core data, those facies with the same reservoir quality were merged together. Thus, we obtained a new model with 3 facies. The new optimized model was then applied to 3 cored wells. It successfully separated poor, moderate, and good reservoir zones. Therefore, the above model was propagated into all wells. The results allowed creating a 3D-facies model of the reservoir in the field. This model properly separated the poor, moderate, and good zones of reservoir.


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