Allocation of Optimum Heat Transfer Inventory in a Refrigeration System


In this study. optimum allocation of heat transfer inventory for heat exchangers in a refrigeration system with specified power input or cooling capacity. and for a heat pump with specified heating capacity is investigated. The ratio of hot- to cold-end conductance unit cost ratio. G.was considered in the analysis as an additional variable of considerable importance to the designer Summarized equations are given in terms of unit cost of conductances of both  the heat  exchangers .the  results  show  a  strong  dependence  of the total  cost  on the  absolute  temperature  ratios  as  well as  the hot-to the cold-end  conductance cost  ratio. It  has been  demonstrated in  the given  example that  for G=0.1. The conductance of the hot-end  heat  exchanger is  about  three times  the cold-end  heat  exchanger.

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