Application of Instantaneous Spectral Attributes to Detecting Oil-filled Channels

Document Type : Research Paper


Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran


Seismic attributes are robust tools in the interpretation of stratigraphic phenomena. Use of seismic attributes helps us to detect geological events which normally cannot be revealed in the seismic sections (such as channels). Channels filled with porous rocks and surrounded in a nonporous matrix play an important role in stratigraphic explorations. Although coherence attribute and other edge-sensitive attributes are among the most popular means of mapping channel boundaries, they are relatively insensitive to channel thickness. In contrast, instantaneous spectral attributes obtained using spectral decomposition, due to sensitivity to the variation of channel thickness, can be used to delineate channel thickness. In this paper, we studied the utility of instantaneous spectral attributes extracted from spectral decomposition methods in the detection of channels in one of the southwest Iran oil fields. We first used signal-frequency sections derived by using matching pursuit decomposition (MPD). We then utilized the combination of instantaneous spectral attributes with seismic coherence in order to better reveal channels. The results show that the composite plot of the combination of instantaneous spectral attributes and coherence better illustrate the channel boundaries.


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