Dolomitization Process of C-4 to F Members of the Qum Formation and its Effect on Reservoir Qualit

Document Type : Research Paper



Petrographic studies on samples of C-4 to F members of Qum Formation shows that dolomitization is one of the most important diagenetic processes affecting carbonate members. Despite this fact that the dolomitization process is one of main reasons for developing porosity and reservoir properties, in section under study, reservoir properties are totally poor and matrix porosity is low. The distribution of dolomicrite and dolomicrosparite has mainly outspreaded the matrix porosity in a limited distance; much of the dolomite in this section is partial dolomitization. The development of cement (mainly dolomitic cement) in deep burial depth as filling the pore, the high percentage of dolomitization formed intertwined mosaics, compaction, stylolitization, and illitization closing the pore throat and reducing porosity and permeability caused reservoir property to become poor. Microscopic studies revealed the presence of 9 types of dolomite, four models of dolomitization in Qum Formation in this section, including Sabkha model, the leakage model, deep burial model, and Do-Rag model. Upper Red Formation on the Qum Formation and the presence of clay and marl in Qum Formation as a combination of clay are the main sources of Mg supply for the Qum Formation dolomites.


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