Comparison of 2-D Seismic Inversion Methods in Hendijan and Bahregansar Oilfields by Different Method

Document Type : Research Paper



These days, hydrocarbon resources are one of the most important human needs. Therefore, it is necessary to use methods with high efficiency and low costs. Due to direct underground accessing, drilling is the most efficient method for subsurface studies. However, because of high cost and imperfect covering of the area under study, it is required to employ methods which provide better results. Seismography is one of the methods for collecting surface data, which exhibits an efficient model of reservoir characteristics. Seismic inversion is the method which enhances the resolution and accuracy of reservoir model by compiling seismic and well logging data. Impedance acoustic model results from inversion and indicates the variability of layers or fluid content. In this study, an impedance model was obtained using various inversion procedures, and porosity was then calculated. These procedures are post stack. Seismic, well logging data, and interpreted horizons were merged in Hendijan and Behregansar oil fields in the Persian Gulf. Seismic inversion was performed by band limited, sparse spike, and model based methods in Jahrom formation at a depth of about 2200m and a thickness of 300m. Finally, by comparison of the results, the model based method was introduced as the best one, because of the high correlation coefficient (99.65%) and low error (0.08)


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