Experimental Study and Modeling of Effective Parameters on BTEX Emissions from Gas and NGL Plants

Document Type : Research Paper


Environment and Biotechnology department-Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, RIPI, Tehran, Iran


Recent developments in the environmental regulations of benzene emission indicate the growing awareness about the adverse effects of this compound. The BTEX (i.e. benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylen isomers) which are absorbed by the glycol solvent during dehydration of natural gas, will be emitted to the atmosphere upon thermal regeneration of the solvent. In the present work, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the BTEX emissions from a glycol dehydration unit in southern Iran were performed and an appropriate mitigation method for these emissions was proposed. In order to investigate the effect of operational parameters and the mitigation methods on the BTEX emissions, the glycol dehydration unit was simulated in Aspen HYSYS. The results showed that the emission of benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylen isomers to the atmosphere were about 3770, 1007, 15 and 20 kilogram per year, respectively. Furthermore, the simulation results revealed that the BTEX emissions could be reduced by using an air cooler condenser after glycol regeneration tower while the benzene emission meets the Canada standard level at 1997.


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