Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy of Bangestan Reservoir in Ab-Taimoure Field, Using 3D Seismic Data to Determine High Efficient Zones

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Student at the Shahid Chamran Univercity of Ahwaz

2 Professor in Departmant of Geology

3 Employment in National Iranian South Oil Company


Ab-Teymour oil field located in 25 km of southwestern of Ahwaz oil field and mid-north of Dezful embyment with concurrent and smooth anticline and by NW- SE proximate course. In this study, by using well and three dimensional seismic data, petrophysical and stratigrahic analysing on Bangestan reservoir of Ab-Teymour field introduced zone-2 of the Ilam formation and subzone-D from zone 4 of the Sarvak formation as high efficient zones. Also, with using Gama log and sedimentary facies, four third- order sedimentary sequences for the Sarvak formation and three third order sedimentary sequences for the Ilam formation suggested. Then location of the efficiency zones in these sequences was identified. The seismic sections was interpreated using seismic attributes, and well data were interpretated, and after identifying seismic sequences, location of efficiency zones on this sequences was recognized. In addition, seismic study illustrated that the sedimentary environment of the Ilam formation is shallow ramp and open marine for Sarvak formation suggested.


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