Investigation of New Hasan-Kabir’s Model and Effects of Friction Factor Correlations to Predict Pressure Drop in Vertical Oil Wells

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hakim Sabzevari University, Iran


In this study, a numerical modeling bespoke code has been used to identify the pressure drop and the flow pattern in three oil wells. The properties of the fluids are estimated by black oil PVT correlations. Conservation equations are formed for (1) mass, (2) momentum and (3) energy for each phase. For the first time, three oil wells are simulated with different two-phase models; such as, new Hasan and Kabir, old Hasan and Orkiszewski models. The new Hasan and Kabir model is selected due to good results. Determining friction is a very important factor to predict pressure drop and flow pattern in oil wells. Hasan and Kabir in their new simplified model used Chen correlation for friction factor. For determining the friction factor in rough pipes, the recently friction factor equation; such as, Colebrook equation, Goudar correlation, and Karagoz correlation are used and compared with each other. The effects of using the friction factor on the amounts of pressure drop is low. But in Qualitative study, Karagoz correlation, which is based on a new logarithmic velocity profile, shows better agreement with experimental data.


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