Operational Improvement of Capacitance-resistance Model in Rapid Estimation of Water Flooding Performance Considering Total Range of History Matching

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Petroleum Exploration Department, School of Mining Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Petroleum Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

3 School of Engineering Science, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran


Analyzing methods for immiscible injection have been subdivided into numerical and analytical methods; a numerical method needs a lot of time and also needs rock and fluid properties decisively, but analytical methods need less input data, therefore these methods are more suitable to make decision for managers. Among the analytical approaches, Capacitance- Resistance Model, CRM, as one of the most recent models, has been developed in basis of the injection rate and well flow pressure fluctuations. CRM just takes injection rate and well flow pressure as input data; moreover, this simplicity leads to increase estimation speed but has some problems. Injection fluctuations necessity can be mentioned as one of the main problems which confronts applied works because in applied program, injection rate doesn’t have enough fluctuations. Another problem can be mentioned for previous work is the range of history matching, in the previous works, rang of history matching has broken into number of time intervals which confronts reservoir nature because whole range of history matching has effect on estimation time. In this research some correction on CRM solution have been suggested that can decrease wrong and unapplied assumptions. Results show that estimation accuracy by CRM has been improved, and some of the confining assumptions have been removed.


Main Subjects

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