Investigating Uncertainty of Gas-condensate Well Productivity with Vertical, Horizontal and Hydraulic-fractured Geometries

Document Type : Research Paper


IOR Research Institute, Tehran, Iran


In order to accurately predict the performance of a gas condensate well, a numerical simulation with local grid refinement is inevitable, otherwise the effects of condensate blockage and high velocity of gas could not be properly captured. But, the complexities of such calculations make the numerical simulation time-consuming. On the other hand, to conduct an uncertainty analysis on the reservoir and well parameters, this calculation package must be repeated thousands of times. Therefore a faster method for calculation of gas condensate well flow rate is valuable. In this paper a fast semi-analytical method is introduced for calculation of flow rate in gas condensate wells and then based on Monte-Carlo procedure, an uncertainty analysis study is conducted for different well geometry. An uncertainty analysis is absolutely necessary at the beginning of a reservoir´s life, and it can help the reservoir managers to make the most possible realistic decision for development plan, infrastructure, and the sale contracts for produced gas and condensate. The results of the study show that investment on accurately determination of porosity is a wise decision for the specific studied reservoir. However this property can be different for another reservoir, depending on the reservoir and well properties.


Main Subjects

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