Hydraulically Fractured Bi-zonal Gas Reservoir Well Testing Using Dimensionless Numerical Simulation

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


Oil and gas production from reservoirs always causes some problems. Hydraulically, fracturing could somehow mitigate the challenges especially for unconventional gas reservoirs. In order to gain a real knowledge of the reservoir, we should consider the reservoir with its heterogeneity and different layers. In this work, dominant equations of a hydraulically fractured bi-zonal gas reservoir are solved in a dimensionless way; moreover, type curves for well testing of this reservoir are discussed. This reservoir consists of inner and outer zones. The inner zone consists of a vertical hydraulic fracture and a vertical well. As the fracture acts infinitely, whole amount of fluid is produced within the fracture. The outer boundary of the reservoir is closed. Existence of a hydraulic fracture in a bi-zonal tight gas reservoir would cause the dimensionless pseudo-pressure and dimensionless pseudo-pressure derivative to be segmented into five sections. These five sections are caused by hydraulic fracture, radial flow of the inner zone, transient flow between the inner and the outer zones, radial flow of the outer zone, and the boundaries effects respectively.


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