Application of AC/TiO2 Dynamic Membrane in Fouling Decline of Polymeric Membrane Support for Oily Wastewater Treatment

Document Type : Research Paper


Chemical Engineering Department, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Iran


Oily wastewater is important environmental pollution which leads to irreparable damages to the environment. Ultrafiltration process is considered as a commonly used process is oily wastewater process. In the current study, two types of (AC/TiO2) dynamic membranes (pre-coated and self-forming dynamic membrane) was used for oily wastewater treatment to decrease fouling of ultrafiltration membrane. The pre-coated dynamic membrane decreased fouling of the of ultrafiltration membrane while the self-forming membrane intensified the membrane fouling after three cycles of filtration. The COD rejection rate obtained for self-forming dynamic membrane was 45% that is more than the pre-coated dynamic membrane and polymeric membrane, this result shows high separation efficiency for this membrane. The obtained result showed that the pre-coated (AC/TiO2) dynamic membrane can be considered as a good candidate to control the fouling effect of ultrafiltration membrane in oily wastewater treatment.


Main Subjects

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