Enhancement of Hydrogen Production of Methane Incomplete Combustion through Porous Medium

Document Type : Research Paper


Mechanics Engineering Department, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


In this paper, the experimental and the numerical results of a porous media burner containing spherical alumina particles are investigated and also are compared with each other. Based on the data, the maximum production of hydrogen mole fraction and the maximum conversion rate of methane to hydrogen and carbon monoxide have been investigated. Moreover, the results show a good agreement between experimental and numerical methods. The optimum efficiency of the burner is calculated and shows that under good input conditions, the maximum hydrogen production can be achieved with a relatively optimal 75% energy efficiency. It has been shown that despite the significant effects of equivalence ratio on output characteristics parameters, which are considered by many researchers in their papers, other input parameters such as released energy, reactor size, particle diameter (porosity) and the permeability of medium are important and effective on the maximum production of hydrogen.


Main Subjects

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