Increasing the Working Life and Performance Improvements of Down Whole Mud Motors Using Nanocomposite Elastomer

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Technology Development Institute, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR)

2 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Sharif University


Considering the working conditions of down hole mud motors, enhancing the mechanical and thermal strengths of their elastomeric parts is crucial. Some attempts have been done to increase the motor performance through geometrical changes, but lack of material improvement is significant in previous studies. In this study, NBR/nanoclay composite was prepared through melt intercalation in an internal mixer. In order to evaluate the mud motor performance with regard to down hole working conditions, different mechanical and thermal tests were done. Moreover, tensile test results showed that the stiffness and toughness of prepared composites are increased simultaneously. While, tensile fatigue test results revealed the enhanced fatigue life of NBR/nanoclay composite samples in comparison with neat NBR sample. Dynamic mechanical analysis also showed a decrease in the damping factor, tan δ of composite samples compared to neat elastomer, indicating the less dissipation heat production in each cycle and hence increasing fatigue life of the samples. Based on the results of this study, it is confirmed that the incorporation of right selected nanoclay into NBR matrix offers increased mechanical and thermal strengths and barrier properties over conventional virgin elastomer. Therefore increasing the working life and performance of the motor is achievable through replacing its elastomeric stator lining with the NBR/nanoclay composite.


Main Subjects

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