Experimental Study of Polymer Injection on Enhanced Oil Recovery from Heavy Oil Reservoirs and Determination of Optimum Injection Concentration

Document Type : Research Paper


Petroleum University of Technology, Ahwaz Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, Iran


For many years, using polymers for injected water mobility control and enhanced oil recovery is a usual approach. Polymer flooding can improve volumetric sweep efficiency, reduce fingering effect, channeling, and retard water breakthrough time. In addition, polymer flooding has caused that oil production increase, and production cost decreases. In this project, used a new polymer for evaluation of heavy oil enhanced oil recovery has been used. Six polymer solution with various concentrations have been prepared. Stability tests were done at different shear rate, time, and temperature. Finally, results have shown that this polymer is appropriate for injection in reservoir. In next step, three optimum polymer solution for polymer flooding have been selected. Finally, the obtained results have illustrated that thousand ppm solution has the best recovery with forty percent incremental recovery with polymer flooding. Also, oil recovery of this polymer is more toward other polymers. Therefore, using this polymer is more economical.


Main Subjects

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