Sand Production Prediction in Hydrocarbonic Reservoir Rock of Shah Deniz Field, Caspian Sea Basin using Well Logging

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Earth Science, Faculty of Natural Science, University of Tabriz, Iran

2 Khazar Exploration and Production Company, Tehran, Iran


One of the problems of oil and gas well drilling is significant instability in the well during drilling which leads to the break of surrounding formations of well during hydrocarbon production. This problem which is often named as sand production, is result of formation significant failure during hydrocarbon production, and its reason is the impact of tectonically stresses around the wells. This phenomenon poses some disadvantages such as erosion to surface and downhole facilities, and it leads to migration of fine particles toward oil and gas wells that occurs as a result of interactions in porous environment related to production factors. Moreover, drilling in a formation leads to accumulation of stresses around of borehole which it causes to failure. The purpose of this research is prediction of sand production problems in SDX-5 gas well of Shah Deniz gas field with using geomechanics and geodynamics information, petrophysical data, regional tectonics information, and sonic logs. Therefore, the STABView software was used to analyze geomechanical data. Finally, by importing required components of software such as formation parameters, rock mechanical properties and stress parameters and by interpreting the graphs obtained in STABView software, including the azimuth plot, inclination plot, polar plotes, and depth profiles, it was concluded that for compressional stress regime, drilling optimal azimuth was parallel to the direction of maximum horizontal stress, and drilling optimal inclination would be appropriate horizontally for all of the formations. Also, the optimal rate of hydrocarbon production flow and optimal collapse pressure for each of the formations, especially the formations related to the reservoir rock, was determined to prevent sand production.


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