A Model for Increasing Productivity of the Iranian EOR Centers by Selecting Appropriate Foreign Partners to Develop their Value Chains

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Administration of Technology Affairs, Deputy of Engineering, Research and Technology, Ministry of Petroleum, Tehran, Iran

2 nstitute for International Energy Studies, Ministry of Petroleum, Tehran, Iran


For developing the Iran’s petroleum industry, transfer of technology by using advanced scientific centers, research and technology, and deep relationship between industry and Iranian universities are required. Therefore, National Iranian Oil Company should support the Iranian universities and upstream research centers. On the other hand, appropriate organization of the universities and research centers for preparing essential elements to develop EOR/IOR technologies should be also considered. Thus, the design and propose a model of upgrading the value chain of the EOR institutes in Iran and determination of the criteria for selecting foreign partners are needed. In this regard, by considering objectives and master documents of the Ministry of Petroleum for academic and research centers, a suitable chain-value model is proposed. In addition, in this paper, by using the opinion of the university elites and experts in the area of upstream technologies and analysis of the results, screening criteria of the foreign partners are developed and presented.


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