A Preliminary Evaluation of Petroleum Systems of Lurestan Area


Lurestan Province is petroliferous area. The reserved oil are in Ilam and Sarvak  (Cretaceous ) and Kangan ( Lower Triassic ) and Dalan (Permian) Formations. The Lurestan Area had high exploration activity but contribution of source rocks in hydrocarbon accumulations isn’t clear. In this paper essential elements and process of hydrocarbon accumulation are introduced. Candidate  source  rocks are  Garau,  Sargelu and  Silurian  Shale.In this study thermal modeling and burial history methods were used to investigate hydrocarbon generation in Samand-1 well. This study shows that Garau formation is in the oil window, The Sargelu and Silurian shales are in the gas window. Most hydrocarbon generation generally occur in the Cretaceous or Upper Jurassic.


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