Methanol Conversion to Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Using Gamma Alumina and H-Beta Zeolite

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Chemical Technologies, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran, Iran


In the present work, the obtained results are presented for aromatic hydrocarbons producing by gamma alumina and H-Beta zeolite as catalysts. Gamma alumina is placed at the entrance zone of a Vertical fixed bed reactor with up to down flow stream in order to convert methanol to dimethyl ether, and H-beta zeolite is loaded at follows for converting dimethyl ether to aromatic hydrocarbons. Both catalysts have sizes between 1 and 2 millimeter and the same weight ratio. The weight of each catalysts in the reactor is 2 grams. Silica to alumina ratio and specific surface area of H-beta are 7.9 and 500 m2/g respectively. Also, the specific surface area of the used gamma alumina is 192 m2/g. Experiments were done at 250 up to 370 oC. The desired space velocity (WHSV) for H-Beta at 370 oC was 7.11h1-. According to Gc-Mass analysis on the reactor products, the main component at the above mentioned conditions was Hexa-methyl Benzene. Formation of this component was satisfied by IR-spectroscopy and C-NMR and H-NMR analysis. Addition to hexa-methyl benzene, the analysis confirmed that some other components such as tri ethyl benzene, ethyl penta-methyl benzene and dimethy ethyl benzene were formed by the reaction.


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